Regularly Occurring FSM Events
Here is a list of our regularly scheduled events. We offer a variety of different meetings each month spread across the Columbia metro area in an effort to serve the needs of as many freethinkers in the Midlands as possible. We strongly encourage people to join Meetup or Facebook and RSVP if they plan to attend—it helps us plan for seating—but this is, by no means, required. Joining one of these social media sites will also allow you to find out about any changes to individual events and other, specially scheduled, events. You can also check out the calendar or our upcoming events list on this website for actual dates of these events and any special events we have.
Drinking Skeptically
First Friday of every month @ 7pm
Drinking Skeptically meets at Arabesque on Divine Street. This is a great time to come relax and meet fellow freethinkers from around the area! Some folks come to drink, some to eat, and some just to talk.
Science & Religion
Second Thursday of every month @ 7pm
Science & Religion is a discussion group type meeting. Sometimes we chose a book to read and discuss, sometimes we discuss suggested topics, and sometimes we just discuss whatever comes up. Even if we have chosen a topic we often will discuss many other things—so don't be afraid to come join us! We usually wrap up the official meeting around 9 and then head someplace for a late dinner. It's a great chance to discuss ideas involving science, religion, and philosophy with other freethinkers!
We meet at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia. Enter from Heyward St, go past the library (octagonal building) and through the double doors. We can usually be found in the first classroom in this hallway. There are often other groups using the facility, if you get turned around they should be able to point you in the right direction.
FSM Monthly Meeting
Third Wednesday of every month @ 7pm
For our monthly FSM meeting we meet for dinner at Grecian Gardens on Sunset Boulevard in West Columbia. We are usually in a private room in the back, or in the bar area to the right as you go in. If you ask the hostess for the freethought group she can show you where to go!
As this is considered our main FSM meeting it is often our most well-attended meeting each month and offers a chance to get to know some of the freethinkers from the larger Midlands area.
Lexington FSM
Fourth Tuesday of every month @ 7pm
If Sandhills and downtown Columbia are just a bit too far for you to travel, or there just aren't enough events for you already, we've got one in Lexington! Come join us at Old Mill Brewpub.
UU Humanists
Fourth Thursday* of every month @ 7pm
This is another discussion group meeting and topics usually center on secular humanism or related topics. A lot of the same faces from the Science & Religion meeting show up here and the format is very similar. We usually wrap up the official meeting around 9 and then head someplace for a late dinner.
We meet at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia. Enter from Heyward St, go past the library (octagonal building) and through the double doors. We can usually be found in the first classroom in this hallway. There are often other groups using the facility, if you get turned around they should be able to point you in the right direction.
* If the 4th Thursday of the month happens to be the 22nd this meeting will be moved to the 29th of that month.